Thursday, May 3, 2012

9 weeks

Cruz is nine weeks. He is definitely growing. He is also sleeping better which is making me (the mom) a little more alive in the afternoons. He will be getting blessed this coming Sunday. We are so excited to see our family and have them there on this exciting day. I made him a little bow tie for his big event so fingers crossed that everything goes okay.

Crus is still very cuddly and attached to being held. The afternoons are the hardest because juggling both logen and cruz who both want attention all the time is difficult. Thankfully, I have a baby bjorn carrier thing which means I at least have a hand available to attempt multi tasking, in fact I am holding cruz while writing this post so I clearly have a talent, lol. Logen tried to help put cruz's diaper on today except he went and got one of his diapers which is a little too big, lol. It was really sweet to see him get something for cruz though.